Metabolomics Tools
- NEW FFC - Fragment Formula Calculator for the determination of elemental composition and retained atoms in EI-MS fragments
- NEW NTFD - Non-targeted tracer fate detection to discover metabolites downstream of an applied tracer and their mass isotopomer distributions
- MathDAMP - Mathematica package for differential analysis of metabolite profiles
- MSFACTs - Metabolomics Spectral Formatting, Alignment and Conversion Tools (MSFACTs)
- MetaQuant
- BRENDA - The Comprehensive Enzyme Information System
Proteomics & Transcriptomics Tools
- JVirGel - JVirGel is a software for the simulation and analysis of proteomics data
- PrediSi - PREDIction of SIgnal peptides - A software tool for
predicting signal peptide sequences and their cleavage positions in
bacterial and eukaryotic proteins
- JCat - The CodonAdaptationTool presents a simple method to adapt the
Codon Usage to most sequenced prokaryotic organisms and selected
eukaryotic organisms
- PRODORIC - Comprehensive database about gene regulation and gene expression in prokaryotes